Reading along #19 | 21 Embarrassing Examples Of Why French People Are Way Trashier Than Americans

Aïe, aïe, aïe! De toutes évidences, certains Français ne supportent pas de voir leur pays gentiment moquer par une Américaine et la réponse n’a pas tardé sous la forme d’un magnifique “Va te fare…”! Apparemment, certains ont décidé de confirmer le constat de l’auteur de cet article!

(;^_^)ッ☆( ゜o゜)

Simply correct #6 | The truth about vaccinations: Your physician knows more than the University of Google

An excellent post aimed at concerned parents who are trying to make a decision with regards to vaccinations for their kids in the midst of all the contradictory information swarming the Web, with the anti-vax fairly dominating the page results from Google Search. The author has reposted some video of children suffering from pertussis that shows how much they are suffering and that it isn’t disease to be taken lightly, illustrating the importance of immunization.

Violent metaphors

“A cousin of my mom’s survived Polio and lived the rest of his life with its effects. He was not expected to live past his teens but made it to his 40s. I am grateful that modern science can protect us from Polio and other diseases and I choose to take advantage of modern science to give my kid better odds of not dying from a preventable disease. I had heard a lot of noise from people claiming vaccines caused Autism, but never saw any clear evidence. It just seemed to me like people really wanted to point to something as the cause and they latched onto vaccines.”–Jennifer

I have been getting into a lot of discussions about whether vaccines are safe in the last few days. I’m not sure if it’s because of a post going viral about a (terrible) Italian court ruling last year (In contrast, American courts

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As of August 8, 2013

Etudiante_MalineHere it is. One year has gone since I last posted an update report on this blog, last August! However, lots of things have been happening, often draining me of all my energy! I guess, I owe it to my family, my friends (both online and off-line) and some great radio/TV shows (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the Colbert Nation, Les Dicodeurs, L’Agence, Les Guignols de l’Info) not to have dropped out completely flat! Continue reading


Simply correct #1-2 | Correct political correctness

I have just discovered the “some ecards” website, which allows you to create online cards with a vintage and ironic touch. You’ve probably seen them circulating on Facebook and other social network, but might not have taken noticed of the little copyright reference at the botton of these images. I hadn’t either until today, when it prompted me to check out the website and see who was creating all these funky little cards. It turns out that they are created by the company’s team and by individual users. I decided to try it out and was able to produce this card about political correctness, with a quote from Irish journalist Fintan O’Toole, which eloquently states what I think of this concept. - Anti-political correctness has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug. Fintan O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5th May 1994

By the way, I really like the way the company presents itself. I’m quoting it in whole as it is a good example of nice witty marketing:

Someecards may or may not be the greatest thing since ecards. It was created by Brook Lundy and Duncan Mitchell and a dollar and a half-assed dream. New cards, categories, and features will be frequently added until everyone involved with the site dies.